
Including many payment methods can help the user choose the one that fits them best, but can also be overwhelming and a pain to set up. So please try to use as few different payment gateways as possible. Officially, libreevent supports Stripe and Payrexx. More payment gateways might come in the future as a plugin which can be installed by following our guide here Please use our cost efficiency calculator here to see which is best suited for you.

Advantages / Disadvantages of each payment gateway


Payrexx is a Swiss payment gateway and it features a massive variety in payment methods, ranging from various kinds of credit cards all the way to specific online payment methods. See all their payment methods here. See payrexx pricing here and sign up here. You can find a full list of supported payment methods here


Stripe is one of the most well known payment gateways out there and it is really easy to get started. See all their payment methods here. If you choose to use Stripe, you may follow their guides on how to set up more payment options here See here for pricing information and sign up here